Weekly Upday 3/28

28 Mar 2022 by Jacob Beck

Good morning Park Hill Wrestling,

Here is what we have ahead for the week:
Monday: Greco at Staley with Coach Graham.
Tuesday: Open Room at Park Hill, 6pm
Wednesday/Thursday: Greater Heights 5pm
Saturday: FS Ultimate Warrior Tournament

We have finally received all of our goods and will be holding the Awards ceremony next Monday, April 4th at 6pm in the Cafeteria Annex. Please bring a desert to share and we will snack as we recognize and celebrate the accomplishments from this season. Athletes, please fill out the survey like below for awards voted on by you! Please do this no later than Wednesday.

Survey Link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/FHXJHF9

Have a great week and see you all soon!

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